Jan 6, 2006

Shock the primatologist

This study wasn’t published in English, but because it is so freaky, I had to include the abstract! I imagine that this was terrifying and I truly hope that no IACUC would approve such a protocol here.

Citation: [Inguinal lymph nodes of monkeys subjected to 8-days-long immersion in water]
Morfologiia, January 1, 2005; 127(3): 45-7.

Abstract: The morphometric study of cytoarchitecture of the structural and functional components of lymph nodes of male monkeys (Macaca mulatta) aged 4-5 years was performed after 8-days-long immersion in water. Activation of lymphocyte mitotic activity in lymphoid nodules (B-dependent zones) was demonstrated in association with an accumulation of small lymphocytes in them and an increase of macrophage reaction. Accumulation of mature forms of plasma cells was detected in all the structures of lymph nodes. It was also found that 8-days-long immersion in water resulted in remodeling of the vessels of lymph node microcirculatory bed, which was accompanied by changes of the endothelium in blood vessel wall and by disturbances of lymph drainage, that lead to accumulation of lymphocytes in lymph node sinuses.

(Russian language publication)