Jan 14, 2007

Pitt's cloned monkey embryos are abnormal - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Monkey embryos at Pitt are abnormal, but apparently scientific fraud is not. Pitt's strategy for dealing with the fraud? Clamming up. Charming way to instill confidence.

The stem cell line has twice the number of normal chromosomes...the work was "very publishable" though fraudulent. One or the other, people. Really.

From the article:

Results of the prior experiments, conducted in 2005, never made it to the hands of independent scientists, but Dahlberg called them "very publishable."

Park, who left Pitt in February 2006 to return to his native South Korea, has had eight stem cell papers retracted by leading scientific journals.

They include a fraudulent 2005 Science paper co-written by Schatten that claimed to have derived stem cells from cloned human embryos.

Since that fraud was uncovered last winter, Schatten, who heads the Pittsburgh Development Center at the Magee-Womens Research Institute, has refused to comment publicly.

Pitt's cloned monkey embryos are abnormal - Full article available here