Aug 26, 2007

Sneak peek: Editorial board on animal experiments and facilities at UW

The Seattle PI has published yet another editorial piece regarding the animal experimentation at the UW, including their ongoing probation with their accrediting agency, and investigations and criticisms from governmental investigators.

The PI begins by addressing the President and The Regents of the UW. The piece goes on to talk about the billions of dollars (and yes that's billions with a B) that the university has in its coffers:

“Some degree of animal experimentation figures into grants involving $250 million or more. It was institutionally neglectful or worse to let some facilities become so derelict as to prompt replacement demands from the national accrediting organization." [emphasis added]

The board is not about to let the U get away with actions it apparently thinks are despicable. The language is strong - and rightfully so. See the full text here:
Animal Research: Make the Grade .